It's hot news here in Macworld conference.You must all have seen through you news channels that the new iPhone 3g is faster,better and most importantly cheaper. Well it has come as a big surprise to all the gadget gurus that the iPhone has reduced its price by almost half which is great news for all the people out there.Imagine the new iphone 3g just costing around Rs. 9000 plus in the Indian market. According to Steve Jobs, the biggest competitors of the new iPhone are nokia n95 and the palm treo which are again great products. But compare the price of the latest iphone with that of the other such products. Nokia n95 costs around Rs.28000 while the palm treo costs around Rs.23000. The iphone just costs something around Rs.10000. Isn't that great? When did last see a wi-fi and 3g enabled phone selling for Rs.10000 or less. When did you last see a phone with a 3 inch screen that was sold for Rs.10000 or less. well doesn't that sound great? It's great news isn't it?

How many phones have created a wave in the mobile industry? may be one or two. How many phones have created a thunder in the industry? none other than the iphone. The new iphone has all the features that the predeccessor had. The first version did not have a very good camera. Infact it couldn't record videos. That was a great minus in the first version. But now the new iphone has a better camera with flash and also has video recording capabilities. That sounds sugar.

Well the other big dropout in the first version was that it lacked 3G capabilities which is again a great minus. Though we dont have 3g facilities in India, they are bound to come to India soon.But now the new iphone has 3g capabilities.
How many phones in the market have 8GB of internal storage? Well very few come with 8Gb of internal storage. The only ones that I remember are nokia n95 ,nokia n81,nokia n810 and Sony ericcson w960i. But they cost higher than the iphone.

The next big thing about the iphone is the interface which is simply superb. I can't think of anything better. can you just say one phone which has a better interface than the iphone. You definitely cannot. The simple reason is that the iphone has a revolutionary interface. It will take another two years for bigies like nokia and motorola to come up with such a interface. What an interface the iphone has?

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